Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Standards Based Grading

I hope you have had a chance to read Mrs. Gregory's letter about the K-2 endeavor to adopt Standards Based Grading.  For Kindergarten, not much has changed.  The main change is the language.  We are no longer using 1, 2, or 3.  We are now using M-Mastery, PM-Partial Mastery, NM-Non Mastery, and WM-Mastery with Modification.  When you see these letters on your child's paper, this will indicate if they have mastered that Common Core Standard.  This method gives you a clear and concise knowledge of your child's learning.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  I think you will really like this method of grading!


December and January have been a chilly  few months.  We didn't let that stop us from learning new things! This week are learning about author/illustrator, Jan Brett.  We are reading as many of her books as we can and having some in depth conversations about similarities in her books, our favorite book, characters, setting, main ideas, lessons we have learned etc. If you get a chance, check her out!   Friday will be the 100th Day of School and we will celebrate in style.  I can't wait to share some photos of this awesome day.